Monday, December 26, 2011

Make 2012 the year to improve your oral health

Many folks in Edmonton consider the beginning of a new year a time to not only reflect on the year that was, but also to set personal goals for the upcoming year. How are you planning to improve your health and happiness in 2012? The team at The Smile Zone recommend that you make a New Year’s resolution to benefit your oral health!

It is important that New Year’s resolutions are reasonable and attainable, and that they improve your overall quality of life—for example, did you know that flossing every day is the very best way to prevent periodontal, or gum, disease? Using a straw when drinking sugary beverages can also help prevent cavities. There are many small steps that you can take to prevent cavities, oral infections and bad breath.
Be sure to give us a call if you need a few suggestions on ways to improve your oral health, or visit this helpful article from our friends at the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). After all, we know your oral health is about more than just a beautiful smile.

Happy New Year!

-Your friends at The Smile Zone

Monday, December 19, 2011

What do you love about the holidays?

In this season given to tidings of comfort and joy, and as our team at The Smile Zone reflect on the year that was, we’d like to ask you, our wonderful patients: What do you love about the holidays this year? Being with your loved ones? A clean slate for 2012? Opening presents by the fireplace? All the delicious food? Also, what gift are you most looking forward to
getting this year?

We’d love if you shared with us all the things you love about the holidays. Stay warm,
and don’t forget to stay away from those sweets!

--The team at The Smile Zone

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Your Next Dental Checkup Could Help Detect Heart Issues Early

Dentistry isn’t just about teeth anymore! As Dr. Rob Andrew and Dr. Jerome Caouette and our team have shared in previous blog posts, oral health issues have been increasingly linked to other health concerns, such as heart disease. Studies are beginning to suggest that patients, especially those with periodontal disease, are believed to have an elevated risk of heart attack and stroke. Since most patients are not regularly visiting a heart specialist, their regular visits to our Edmonton office can help detect early warning signs of heart issues or disease.

Additionally, if it’s been more than six months since your last visit, give us a call!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Breaking bad habits with The Smile Zone

At The Smile Zone, we know good dental health requires only a few minutes of your day. We thought we’d provide some practical advice on how to improve your or your child’s smile between your visits with Dr. Rob Andrew and Dr. Jerome Caouette.

Start by brushing your teeth twice a day. Proper brushing techniques are an essential part of maintaining good oral health, as well as preventing gum disease. Brushing daily helps remove decay-causing plaque from tooth surfaces. Please consult Dr. Rob Andrew and Dr. Jerome Caouette if you would like us to review brushing techniques with you or your child. Flossing daily will also prevent plaque to build up between the teeth and prevent stains between your teeth. Research has shown the bacteria of gum disease has been linked to coronary artery disease, stroke, diabetes and memory loss. Lastly, we encourage you to throw away old toothbrushes and replace them every 2 or 3 months, or after an illness.

We hope this helps! If you have any further questions about any of these tips, please contact The Smile Zone or ask us on Facebook!