Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Smile Zone, Edmonton's CEREC providers

Our staff at the Smilezone in Edmonton are pleased to offer our patients CEREC dentistry. CEREC, a technology for restoring damaged teeth, can be completed in a single visit to our office and makes your teeth stronger and more beautiful, all while keeping your teeth looking healthy and natural.

You're probably thinking: All right, so how does CEREC work, exactly?

Well, to start out, Dr. Rob Andrew will meet with you to discuss the details of the procedure. During the procedure, one of our doctors will apply a thin layer of reflective powder onto your tooth and will use a special camera to take a photo of your tooth. Using Computer Aided Design (CAD), the photo serves as an optimal impression. The restoration will then be designed by the computer on this impression. Then CEREC will use a diamond bur and disk to create your restoration piece out of a high-tech ceramic. Finally, the ceramic restoration is bonded to your tooth using state-of-the-art adhesive dentistry.

Drs. Rob and Jerome are Edmonton's local CEREC dentists. Give us a call at (780) 989-5733 to schedule an appointment for CEREC treatment and have a great rest of the week!

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