Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thumb-sucking and your child's teeth, from the Smilezone staff

Lots of parents have asked us whether it’s healthy for children to suck thumbs (or, less frequently, fingers). If you’ve got a thumb-sucker in the house, you are not alone. Research says, in fact, that between 75- and 95 percent of infants suck their thumbs.

As a parent, you're probably thinking: is this anything to worry about?

In most cases, no. Sucking is a natural reflex for infants, and can provide security and contentment - as well as relaxation. It’s a habit that most children grow out of between the ages of 2 and 4.

Should you need to help your child end his or her habit, follow these guidelines:

1. Always be supportive and positive. Instead of punishing your child for thumb-sucking, give praise when he doesn't suck.
2. Put a band-aid on his thumb or a sock over his hand at night. Let him know that this is not a punishment, just a way to help him remember to avoid sucking.
3. Start a progress chart and let him put a sticker up every day that he doesn't suck his thumb. If he makes it through a week without sucking, he gets to choose a prize (trip to the zoo, new set of blocks, etc.) When he has filled up a whole month reward him with something great (a ball glove or new video game); by then the habit should be over. Making your child an active participant in his treatment will increase his willingness to break the habit.
4. If you notice your child sucking when he's anxious, work on alleviating his anxiety rather than focusing on the thumb-sucking.
5. Take note of the times your child tends to suck (long car rides, while watching movies) and create diversions during these occasions.
6. Explain clearly what might happen to his teeth if he keeps sucking his thumb.

However, if your child keeps sucking after he or she has gotten permanent teeth, it’s time to take a closer look. If your child sucks his thumb aggressively, putting pressure on the inside of his mouth or his teeth, it could cause problems with tooth alignment and proper mouth growth. If you’re worried, please give us a call and Drs. Andrew and Caouette will help assess the situation, and provide tips for how to help your child break the habit.

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